Beat Monitoring System (BMS)

Beat Monitoring System (BMS) is available in two modules. One is BMS Android Application and the other one is BMS Web Application.

BMS Android application to be installed in the Beat Patrolling official Mobile phone. From the Android mobile, it will send the latitude and longitude coordinates regularly for every minute. In this application, there is a provision to view the Beat path on the map. There is a provision for incident reporting via., taking pictures and videos through this application.

BMS Web application is developed with several access levels. Highest level User can see the all the Beat numbers information. Web application has the provision to see the Latitude and Longitude coordinates of the selected Beat Number, provision to see the Beat Constable visited locations, moving path for the selected time period, provision to see the live map of a selected Beat Number, provision to set the Beat path dynamically by selecting the location on the google map, provision to see the pictures, videos sent by the Beat Constable.